Awake, O Zion! - Worship from Dales Bible Week, 1981

My brother returned from this Bible Week absolutely buzzing with the new songs on this tape, such as 'Awake, O Zion!' and 'Majesty'. I myself didn't make it to this Dales Week because I was out in the Hebrides at a Christian Youth Camp on the Isle of Iona.

Interestingly, 'Awake, O Zion!' was one of those songs that very few people learned to play properly; I was once told by a young lady that I was the first person she had met who could actually play it properly. My strategy was to always teach a song to the congregation using the same arrangement as that on the tape. The reasoning behind this was that if people in the congregation had the tape then they'd already know how to sing the song, and in any case would want to sing it the way they knew how. In our congregation, therefore, 'Awake, O Zion' was sung as it was meant to be sung!

This album's tracks are presented as separate songs, not a continuous recording - remember that these songs represent a sampling of the whole week's worship. Highlights on this album include the title track 'Awake, O Zion!', 'Majesty' and a lovely rendition of 'It is good for me' (to draw near unto God) and the beautiful 'O Lord most Holy God'. This is classic Dales worship at its best.

Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!

Track List
  • Awake, Awake O Zion!
  • O Give Thanks to the Lord
  • O Lord Most Holy God
  • Isn't He Beautiful
  • I Love You Lord
  • Lord make me an instrument
  • It is good for me
  • I have made a covenant
  • We are a chosen people
  • I will call upon the Lord
  • To God be the Glory
  • In my life, Lord, be glorified
  • The Lord reigns
  • Majesty